I was reading an excerpt from "Social chemistry" by Marissa king in which she defines some of the core learnings from the book.
It gave me an interesting perspective on how we all connect with other humans around us. She deep dives into how the strength, quality and structure of our connections matter more than their size, and how this also defines what kind of a network structure blends into our own personality best.
She defines most humans traits into three broad categories,
We could be an Expansionist, the popular ones! Constantly meeting new people and expanding our network. This type doesn't shy away from networking, they revel in it, and it defines their personality and their relationship with everyone in their ever-expanding network.
We could be a Broker, someone who spans different social circles. Someone who's jumped streams in their career and dabbles in a diverse set of interests and topics ( many on a surface level and not deep dives). They revel in meeting people from diverse backgrounds and derive insights, information and creative inspiration from them.
Or one could be a Convener, a person who guards, grows and maintains a closed cluster of relationships. Who derives strength from an intertwined, anchored set of connections built on the foundation of trust built over time.
These got me thinking ( firstly that I can't wait to read the whole book) and understand my networking type ( I'm pretty sure I'm a broker). But more so made me wonder what i can derive from understanding my kind.
What kind are you? ( some of you might flutter between two types )
Think about it and put it down in the comments below
Weekly recommendations
Last week on Advertising is dead i spoke to the awesome Viraj Sheth ( CEO & co-founder of Monk-e). @nayanmohitkar does a good job of distilling the learning’s in his thread..

For anyone who needs music to write to, study to or just plain chill to .. i found this gem
Weekly quote/excerpt
The world is changing at such a rapid rate
that it’s turning us all into amateurs.
- Austin Kleon ( From the book “Show your work”)
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