I’ve always wondered what the point of newsletters was? Seemed like an unnecessary exercise for someone to spend time on for something that at most times lies unopened in the receivers inbox because they either
a) subscribed but found the whole reading thing too heavy
b) thought it would be a fun thing to get in their inbox and what they actually got was a wannabe weekly textbook 📕 ( don’t we all really want that..NOT!)
c) They never got what the writer was trying to either say, impart or just plain put across to them...
Because if you’re getting an extra email in your inbox 📨 the one question u should ask is
How is this helping me again?
And that’s why I’m doing a newsletter!!
To give back something to anyone who’s chosen to read this, to share some insights I’ve gotten to learn and to allow people to dig a little deeper into things I might not have gone deep enough into on my podcast ( incase you’re here without having heard my podcast “Advertising is dead, I wanna say “you’re 🤩 amazing ” and also please do look it up and give it a listen)
So what will you get from every edition of “Unschooled with Varun duggirala”
Some things that will add a little extra something every week to your bag of knowledge for your work scene.
Some stuff that might just make you look at the way you live your life a little differently ( or maybe not but it’ll make you think for sure)
Some stuff you really need to consider to feed your soul. Because if there is one part we don’t feed enough that’s our soul.
So yeah, a little bit for work, a lil bit for life and a little something for your soul.
Because life’s too short to keep what you’ve learnt to yourself and I wanted to unschool some of the stuff I’ve learnt and share it with as many people as I can...
The first one drops this Saturday.
( also forgive any typos and point them out, I’m terrible at proof reading...as in lazy )

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