Fathers journal - Lessons for Life, Work & Fatherhood
Fathers journal - Lessons for Life, Work & Fatherhood
Monthly Mega Recommendations Pack
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This week i thought it would be good to give you guys a bunch of things to consume. ( All non-COVID related..well, almost ).

  • One of my best podcast finds in recent times has been “Founders Journal”, where Alex Lieberman the co-founder and executive chairman of “Morning brew” shares what is in essence a daily diary of a founder shared with the world.


  • In a time like now, Adam Grant digs into how people can navigate Career turbulence ( also if you haven’t read his new book “Think Again” you must!!)


  • Josh Constine has a fabulous Substack newsletter/podcast and in this edition he digs into a ton of stuff around the creator economy with Patreon CEO Jack Conte.


I rewatched this TEDx Talk by Taika Waititi and as always you always find new things to take in with him.

  • Shameless Self-plug : I put out a video last week on how i’ve been dealing with feeling overwhelmed over the last year ( hope it helps some of you)

Quote of the week

"Some people were deceived by Hitler and others were not. And the puzzle is that the group who were deceived are the ones you’d expect not to be, while those who saw the truth are the ones you’d think would be deceived."

-Malcolm Gladwell (Talking to Strangers)
