Fathers journal - Lessons for Life, Work & Fatherhood
Fathers journal - Lessons for Life, Work & Fatherhood
Legacy, Ambition & being a participant in life + Weekly recommendations
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Our daughter Leia turns four today, and as I sat down to write this, I kept going back to what legacy I would leave for her. Not to fulfil or follow but to imbibe and evolve as she sees fit.

And as I was going through my notes from books I've read in the recent past, I came across a highlight I had made in David Whyte's book "Consolations". A book where I have sat and soaked in the essence of the words after reading every chapter. Because that's the best way to feel the depth of the words he puts down

"Perhaps the greatest legacy we can leave from our work is not to instil ambition in others, though this may be the first way we describe its arrival in our life, but the passing on of a sense of sheer privilege, of having found a road, a way to follow, and then having been allowed to walk it, often with others, with all its difficulties and minor triumphs; the underlying primary gift of having been both a witness to and a full participant in the conversation."

So, let these words soak in a little bit and think about what you can derive from them because our ambitions and our perception of legacy can mean so much more than we think they do.

Weekly recommendations

➡️ Prof G has a great chat on capitalism that opens many insights to soak in

➡️ The Folks at Andreessen Horowitz dropped a great article on the Passion Economy and the future of work

👉🏽 https://a16z.com/2019/10/08/passion-economy/

➡️ And Nathaniel drew tries out Maya Angelou’s Daily routine


I dropped an episode on how you can find true opportunity in your career by focusing on the gaps in the space you already occupy


( Also, I need to stop recording these late at night.. my voice isn’t holding up )