4 questions for you & an excerpt from my book “Everything is Out of Syllabus”
I’ve spent a large part of the last year writing a book. And this week, it opened up for pre-orders. So, today, I thought I’d give all of you a sample of what the foundational thought behind the book was.
Excerpt from “Everything is Out of Syllabus”
Let me start with what I began this book with.
Four questions that became the foundation of what eventually became twenty-six seemingly tiny instructions that have had the largest impact in my life so far.
‘Why is there no rule book for ____?’
‘Why did no one tell me how to_____?’
‘Wait, you mean school doesn’t teach you to____?’
‘I wish I knew more about ____ when I was ____!’
So, before you get into what my insights are in the chapters to follow, you should fill in as many things in your life that fit into the blanks in those questions.
It’s a great way to understand what most of us wish we had understood better at specific instances in our lives. It’s also a great way to realize that no school, no university and no teacher can truly prepare you fully for life. Life throws crumbs at you as you move ahead, and it’s those crumbs that hold the lessons that lead us to where we can be, if we pay enough attention and follow them.
So, what is this book about again?
It is a series of insights into how we can start, make choices, learn, connect with others and reflect on life. Things that have led me from my early days as a small-town kid, to the dark ages in my teens and early twenties, to discovering my purpose, becoming an entrepreneur, finding success and true relationships, love, friendship and so much more. Learnings I’ve had from seemingly innocuous incidents, excerpts and quotes that have given me clarity, mental models and frameworks that I’ve used to make sense of things and moments that seemed random on the surface but in reality made me look at life from a whole new perspective. We will begin by understanding how to start things in life (and overcoming the hurdles along the way). Then we will move to how we can make choices at every juncture, leading into how we can build systems to learn, and then closing with how we can connect with the people around us and reflect inwards to understand ourselves better. This book is me giving you my instruction manual for life, work and everything in between so you can start writing your own“
Pre-Order Link:-
👉🏽 https://amzn.to/335QKow
Launches on the 7th of February 2022 ( I’m going to be dropping a lot of bonuses soon)
Weekly recommendations
This week, you kick off with one of the best ( and funniest) TED talks I’ve seen in a while
Then a bite-sized podcast on making habits stick.
and closing off with some great book recommendations from Ali Abdaali
Plus, all my POD’s for the week.